Help & Service

Interested in learning more about our products and glass railing in general? We have a number of pages that delve into product features, ordering assistance, measuring guides, system cost comparisons, building code requirements, and more!

These pages feature specifications, CAD files, BIMs, engineering documentation and other resources that will be particularly helpful for architects and construction industry professions looking for more technical information regarding our systems.

Wondering what the glass railing installation process entails? Visit this page for PDFs of our eGlass Railing system instructions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our railings have been engineered to meet current IRC and IBC, however, the local codes in your area may be different. Glass railings must comply with the International Building Code (IBC), requiring a minimum height of 36 inches for residential and 42 inches for commercial installations, and use tempered or laminated glass. Ensure the railing can withstand a 200-pound load, with posts spaced no more than 6 feet apart. We recommend that you check with the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) first to make sure you will be in compliance with those codes before ordering. For more detailed information, check out Glass Railing Building Codes.